The concern for improving the continuous training framework of USLIP members led to the formation of the Vocational Training Center in 2021, created with the explicit purpose of identifying the professional needs of union members from the 224 schools in Iasi County.

The vision of the VTC USLIP focuses on a world without borders, in which human rights will be protected and all forms of discrimination will be eliminated.

The mission of the VTC USLIP is to connect the youth, education, and business communities, providing structured non-formal learning and knowledge needed for promoting sustainable development.

Its activities are mainly concentrated in the following directions:

-Development and implementation of educational paths for teachers and professionals

-Reinforce synergies and transitions between formal, and non-formal education, vocational training, employment, and entrepreneurship;

-Support learners in the acquisition of learning outcomes (knowledge, skills, and competencies) to improve their personal development.

VTC USLIP offers training programs to educate employees with the following profiles:

-teachers, managers, members of the school boards, methodists, members of the quality assurance commission, members of the European projects commission, union leaders, and all those concerned with continuous professional training.

Since 2018, training programs and projects implemented by USLIP  have been organized in partnership with the National Training Centre of FSLI Bucharest and Europe Academy, Training Centre of European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions Bruxelles, with topics focused on ensuring the quality of the teaching process, management, leadership, communication, negotiation, and social dialogue.

Training programs

  1. The role of leadership in organization management
  2. Management of the quality of education to achieve performance in education
  3. Social dialogue and collective bargaining, tools for sustainable development in education
  4. Skills 4future


  1. How to use artificial intelligence in the teaching-learning process
  2. Project Management
  3. Improving teacher’s digital skills
  4. Entrepreneurial School

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