21 – 22 July 2023
At the second transnational meeting, in Athens, in July 2023, the TeSTED partners analyzed the aspects that cause students to drop out of school and proposed solutions for the realization of the psychometric instrument, which will provide an initial screening of the psychological state of the students.
The aspects analyzed in the brainstorming session were:
- Overview of WP2
- Brainstorming on priority areas
- Brainstorming on functionalities
- Overview of WP3
- Curriculum outline
Transnational Partners’s Meeting, Athens, Greece
Transnational Partners’s Meeting, Athens, Greece
Transnational Partners’s Meeting, Athens, Greece
Transnational Partners’s Meeting, Athens, Greece
Transnational Partners’s Meeting, Athens, Greece
Transnational Partners’s Meeting, Athens, Greece
Transnational Partners’s Meeting, Athens, Greece
Transnational Partners’s Meeting, Athens, Greece
Transnational Partners’s Meeting, Athens, Greece